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22 jan 2024

Overige Help with Research proposal 17 january Nog geen ratings


Opdracht omschrijving

I need help with my research proposal.Research proposals should be up to 3 pages (or max 2000 words) without referencing or tables/figures should you wish to include those.

Grading criteria

Quite simple, the instruction given above will be what we look for in papers: i) proper motivation and positioning; ii) formulating a research question that is grounded in a documented fact and/or economic theory; iii) formulate a methodology that is able to answer that research question (a more elaborate design can earn you more points; but so can the precision of being to explain what you intend to do); iv) motivation on what is the learning potential from your project.

On top of this content we will also take into account the format: i) Writing concisely and clearly; ii) having a clear structure; and iii) correct referencing of other papers.

I need a 6,5 to pass the course and need help

Studierichting: Causes and consequences of inequality

Status: Open

Label: Openbaar

1 Niveaus: HBO/bachelor. Type opdracht: Overige. Vergoedingen: 250-500.

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